"Born" on May 14, 2005 in Frederick, Maryland (at the Clan Cameron Association's 2005 Northern U.S. Rally) Fiona functions as the North American Association" traveling ambassador."

Please join us as we share in her travels.  How many miles will she cover?  How many Camerons she will discover?  What will she accumulate during her visits?

May 14, 2005: Fiona is born.  An orphaned sheep (one of many participants in the Clan Cameron Association's Sheep Reiving Competition) she is adopted as Clan Cameron North America's traveling ambassador.
Fiona will begin her travels primarily amongst the North American Association's chapters and branches, throughout the United States and Canada.  When the 2005 "games season" comes to an end, she will be jetting overseas to join in events in New Zealand, Australia and eventually in Scotland.  Will she visit Achnacarry?  Only time will tell!
Fiona being introduced to the Clan Cameron Association, on May 14, 2005, by Rocky Mountain U.S. Regional President Mike Bozeman. 
Just before receiving her official send-off from Maryland, Fiona became acquainted with Lifetime Chieftain, Don Cameron. 
May 25, 2005: Fiona's first destination was Ohio, where she enjoyed the hospitality of Northeastern U.S. President Terry Cameron and his wife Michelle.  The wee sheep took in some local Scottish Country Dance, attended the Ohio Scottish Games and also (as pictured to the left) was in attendance at the An Comunn Gaidhealach America .  This was a Scottish Gaelic Workshop where Sorley MacDonald and Ailig MacDonald from Scotland as well as two teachers from Toronto , David and Deborah Livingston-Lowe were on the faculty.  Michelle Cameron taught celidh dancing while Terry provided the music and technical support.  Fiona was seen kicking up her hooves to a few of the numbers.
Update: July 1, 2005: Fiona is on her way, leaving Ohio, bound for Minnesota.  Her traveling gear includes specially created Clan Cameron clothing,  a bit of Cameron Tartan for her pins and a book of handmade paper from Fiji in which people can journal her experiences.  We are sure that she will pick up little goodies along the way…